Board End of Year Update

Dear TCA Community,

Last fall we were blessed to meet in the chapel to discuss hopes and dreams for allocating future resources for TCA through our Vision Plan. We shared three areas in which we hope to invest leading up to TCA’s 40th birthday in 2026:

  • Facilities Enhancement

  • Financial Aid

  • Future Endowment

Each of these areas supports the mission of Trinity Christian Academy to assist Christian families and their churches in providing a Biblically-directed and academically excellent education that equips students to be Godly servants and leaders in their homes, churches, and communities. 

Thank you, from the depths of our hearts, for your contributions during this first year. As of today, over $1.4 million has been given or pledged toward the Heritage Fund and Vision Plan 2026 combined. Our three-year giving goal is $3,000,000. By God’s grace and your generosity, we have already passed 47% of the goal of the three-year campaign. 

We look forward to providing updates in the coming months regarding the school’s next steps in light of Vision Plan 2026. God is gracious to provide and lead as we move forward together with the ongoing pursuit of excellence in His name. We join you in excitement and faith, knowing that He is able to provide in ways that can amaze us all.  

We thank you for your partnership!

Chad P. Wilson, on behalf of the TCA Board 


Fifth Grade Bridge Ceremony Recap


Congratulations Class of 2024!